3 Ways to Network Differently in 2020


Contributed By Danielle Wiebe of Vancity Business Babes + Business Babes Co.

Did you make a New Years Resolution to build more connections or attend more networking events in 2020? If yes, make sure you are networking the right way. Danielle Wiebe of Vancity Business Babes is an expert on the topic, with 5 years of hosting networking events under her belt. She’s sharing her top 3 tips to keep in mind before your next networking opportunity!

1. Be Patient: Have a longterm mindset rather than a short term one! 

Often when we are networking and meeting new people we put too much pressure on ourselves and the relationship. We have the expectation that we are going to immediately create a connection that will directly affect our lives and businesses. 

When we do this, we are setting unrealistic expectations on networking. The purpose of networking is to build connections and strong relationships for the longterm, not for short term gain.

I have several examples of relationships that I’ve been building for months and even years that have now become partnerships, collaborations, clients and friends. These relationships take time to build up this sense of trust.


2. Be more interested than interesting: Have engaging questions ready and understand how you help people.

When you’re at an event or networking, have some icebreaker questions ready! Here are some easy ones to start with:

  • How did you hear about this event?

  • This is a beautiful venue, have you been here before?

  • Do you live locally?  Did you grow up here? 

After you’ve broken the ice, find a commonality between the two of you. Maybe you like the same foods, maybe you both have kids, maybe you’ve vacationed at the same places, or share your taste in books or podcasts.

Ask them engaging questions like: What keeps you busy? Is there anything you are currently working on or excited about? 

Continue to show interest in what they do, and ask more questions, only when they ask you what you do, should you briefly share what you do and how you help people.

For example, this is how I introduce myself:  I’m a business strategist and founder of Business Babes Collective, I coach women to thrive in business and connect them through hosting events + mastermind groups. 

Practice your intro so that it feels natural and rolls off your tongue. 


3. Follow up: Find a creative way to keep in touch and add value.

Most people never actually follow up after meeting someone.

Here are my follow-up suggestions:

  • Make sure you ask how they like to keep in touch (email, Instagram, linked-in?) 

  • Add them on the platform of choice or e-mail them the next day

  • Engage with some of their content on social or linked-in (like and comment on what they are up to)

  • Send a message a few days later and let them know it was awesome to meet them and maybe say something specific to what you spoke about during your conversation when you originally met

  • Find a creative way to keep in touch with them - send them a podcast recommendation, connect them with a connection you think would benefit them, send them a resource you think they would like etc. 

  • When the timing is right, ask them for coffee, invite them to an event you are going to or pitch them for a collaboration (if it makes sense for both businesses)

  • Keep in touch every few months to check-in and ask how they are doing

  • If they don’t respond to your follow-ups, don’t take it personally! People are bombarded with e-mails and messages these days and often miss some. Don’t be shy to reach out again! 


Bonus Tip: Remember to HAVE FUN!  Don’t take yourself too seriously and take the pressure off of yourself and others! Don’t force the relationship. You are not going to ‘click’ with everyone and that is okay! Networking should feel natural and fun, focus on the relationships that feel easy and simple. You never know where those relationships can lead and what opportunities they will bring! 

Danielle Wiebe 
@danilivinglife @businessbabesco @vancitybusinessbabes 
"Supporting women who dream a little bigger"